Hi, I’m Effrata
Cultural Observer
Name : Dr. Effrata, S.Pd.,M.Si
Place&birth of date: Tamiang Layang 02.01.1972
Sub-ethnic: Dayak Ma’anyan
Job Experiences : University Lecture of PGRI Palangka Raya for study progam Sociology, Social and Politics science
Dr. Effrata, S.Pd.,M.Si has been actively as administrator in few organizations such as below ;
- ASBADATA (Asosiasi Bawi Dayak, Budaya dan Wisata – Bawi Dayak, Culture and Tourism Association) Central Kalimantan Province
- GERDAYAK (Gerakan Pemuda Dayak – Dayak Youth Etnich Movement) Central Kalimantan Province
- GMTPS (Gerakan Mandau Talawang Pantja Sila – The Mandau Talawang Five Principles Movement) Central Kalimantan Province
- The Borneo DAYAK Woman Association for Malaysia Sarawak Sabah and Brunei Kinabalu Kuching area
- National Dayak Scholars Association
- Kuntau DAYAK College (silat) Pangunraunpitu
About Dr. Effrata :
Apart from being a lecture for progam study Sociology, Social and Politics Science at PGRI Palangka Raya University, Dr. Effrata, S.Pd.,M.Si has been actively as an observer of DAYAK Ma’anyan Custom and Culture in Central Kalimantan in general.
Presentation in every activity about Dayak Culture in the hometown and abroad. Presentation abroad through ADRI (Ahli Dosen Republik Indonesia – Association Lecture Indonesian Republic).
For International conferences, she always bring up material and writing about Dayak from 2016 until now. She is also active in every empowerment organization because as a Doctor of Social Sciences, her research concentration is culture and dissertation is about Wadian Dadas, DAYAK Ma’anyan Tribe.